Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Arguing Can Do To Unborn Baby

World Religions in Sunday

Famous televangelists disguised as Christians, as clear and evil mission is to bring out "transfers of spirits" in Christians that is, to get his demons. Speak in the name of Jesus and according to them impart the Holy Spirit, but in fact are demons that people unknowingly receive.

why Jesus says: "Not all who say I am your Lord and Master to enter the kingdom of God. That's not enough, have to obey the commandments of my Father in heaven. 22 When the day comes when God will judge everyone, many will say: "Our Lord and Master, we proclaim the message from you to others. We use your name to cast out demons, and to do miracles. "Matthew 7:20-22 These

known as" preachers "making Satanist signal by hand and even glorifying satan audibly.

I present the evidence of these false prophets ... but to you to judge! See 2a. youtube.com part
San Mateo
24:11, 12.13 - And many false prophets will arise and deceive many, and iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.


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