Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Milena Velba Pregnance Check

Logo legalization of homosexuality is the last sign of the end of World

When our Lord Jesus Christ returns for the second time almost the whole world will be legalized gay marriage , as happened in Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19 read), legalization who already have the most important countries and will be imitated by others .. It is the last signal before falling the last 7 Apocalisis pests. Christ says in the Gospel of Luke 17: 22-29 we read the news and clicking on the link below:

22 Then Jesus told his disciples: "Some day you will want to see at least a moment when I, the Son of man, present me with all my power and glory. 23 Some are say, 'There he is! "or" Here it is! "but vayan.24 not When I, the Son of man, come back, all I see. It will be like lightning that illuminates the whole sky .25 But first I have to suffer terrible things, and this time people will reject me.

26 "When I, the Son of man returns, people will be living like in the days of Noah .27 Before God flooded the whole earth with water, people ate, had fun and got married. After Noah entered the ark, the flood came, and all those people muriĆ³.28 The same happened in the days of Lot. In the city of Sodom , people ate and had fun, bought and sold, planted and built casas.29 But when Lot went out of town, fire and brimstone fell from heaven, and all those people died.


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